May 26, 2010 20:27
-He loves categorizing stuff. Every car ride gets commentary on the color and type of vehicle around us: "red car!" "blue truck!" "white bus!", etc. This is charming but isn't really interesting for conversational purposes - I mean what else can one say but "yes, that *IS* a red car"?
-First TV watching! We have had the TV on in his presence before (notably for the Super Bowl!) but don't generally let him watch TV, until now. I checked out a DVD of "Knuffle Bunny" (an animated version of one of his favorite books). He *flipped*. He jumped up and down, patted the TV, kept crying out "NUHBUNNY!", demanded an immediate re-watching and generally appeared to enjoy the experience. I have also checked out a DVD of "Dora the Explorer". We shall see how that goes.
-Tonight I gave EM Jr his bottle and, per our normal routine, started singing a lullaby to him.
"Eh eh eh!" (the grunts he makes when he wants something but is too lazy or upset to use his words)
"What do you want, baby?"
So I put him in the crib and left. True to form, he is not napping but is singing to the room and babbling.
-We have 2 birthday parties this weekend! One will have dinosaurs (and a bounce house), the other will have Barney.
-Another lap-snuggly period happened this morning, this time with me drinking coffee and scrolling through my iPhoto collection. EM Jr provided the commentary - "Mommy black shirt!", "green sweater!", etc.
em jr