(no subject)

Aug 02, 2009 14:56

Just returned from the Santa Clara County Fair. We only stayed for a couple of hours, due to my desire to put EM Jr down for a nap. Baby foiled my plan by having a micro-snooze in the car then not going down at home. *sigh* We'll see if Mr Egregiously Cute Roly-poly boy wants to go down later.

What we did at the Fair:cow share with friends once I become employed again.
- Ate lunch with the husband, who then went off to support a demo with his friends. Said hi to ppuf and leohtulf who were at that demo.
- Snagged a sno-cone (blue raspberry, naturally) en route out

In some respects, many of the places we're visiting now are trial runs for future family fun. EM Jr is too young to appreciate most of the activities at the Fair but I could tell there would be things he could enjoy in the future. Perhaps next year?

em jr, diary, weekend

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