antrazi explains how Gibbs gets those boats out of his basement in an NCIS/crossover fic (very, very cute!).
rett_chan wrote FMA fic to the prompt of Superhero AU, Roy Mustang
Flame on! polychromic wrote a crossover fic of
Doctor Who/Magic School Bus/Mary Poppins: The Doctor may be the last Time Lord but there are still at least two Time Ladies running about the Universe. aunt_zelda wrote
Thrall to the prompt of Avengers, Tony + or / any, there's a homeless guy on the corner who has a motley collection of tools stuffed in an old leather pouch. He carries a sign that says, "Will Invent For Food." There is a link to an extended story that's Thor/Tony in the comments.
lasairfhiona wrote a fic for the prompt of
ron Man, Tony/Pepper, Trick or Treat.
polychromic wrote a fic for the prompt of
Howl's Moving Castle, Howl/Sophie, hair brushing antrazi wrote a fic for the prompt of
The Big Bang Theory, Ensemble, Packing for Comicon