Halfway Home by Invaderk. FMA fanfic; Ed/Winry. Winry leaves Ed and the kids to go help out up north after an earthquake. Her story is told in letters back home. A very sweet, sad, moving story. I love Invaderk's take on Ed/Win.
Burn Notice ficlet, Fiona-centric. By
merryghoul, for the prompt of: Burn Notice, Any of the Good Guys, babysitting duties
Glowworm Feelings, FMA ficlet by
penombrelilas for the prompt of: Fullmetal Alchemist, Ed/Winry, That was quick.
Lunar, Harry Potter ficlet by
rett_chan for the prompt of: Any, Any, you mean my child could be a werewolf...
Also, I participated in a BtVS-centric remix this month, and
aadler drew my name. The story written,
In the Air Tonight (the Riders of the Storm Remix) takes three different short stories I've written in the BtVS'verse, and then goes beyond them to write a totally new story. I very much enjoyed the Dawn+Faith interplay that incorporated the trio of stories
aadler chose to use for inspiration.