Title: Miss the Girl
evil_little_dogBeta Names:
bob_fish for one particular section.
Artist Names:
dreamer1789; Yoporock.
Genre: Mystery/Angst
Rating: Teen edging into Adult for violence.
Wordcount: Approximately 52,000
Pairing/Characters: Edward/Winry UST, Al/Paninya, Al/Various Others, Riza/Roy.
Warnings: Future!Fic, triptych piece for Miss the Journey
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Still loving this and getting through my Big Bang reading and reviewing slowly. Loved Winry deliberately greasing up to annoy her stalker. Also, badass General Hawkeye and how she reminds Ed of Izumi. And Al's thoughts on how the Elrics are surrounded by terrifying, violent women (I saw the thread below speculating on Al/younger!Olivia and I have to say it's been in my head to write Al's foolhardy encounter with sweet, shy little Katherine. I have no idea what she'll do to him but I do know he'll be walking funny the next day and Ed will mock)
And this:
Edward was considering shoving a cotton swab in his ear to shut the voice up
I totally called that Winry was going to be disgusted with this other mechanic's shoddy work, but then she's Winry, right? She would. I love Garfiel and Dominic closing ranks like that - I bet Garfiel gave Ed a very frosty reception indeed.
And ouchouchouch to them missing Pinako's funeral (so glad she's survived Ch 105) but, uh, yay to Winry being divorced. Now Ed has to attempt to be not stupid for more than five minutes at a time.
Oh, yes. :D Always. We'll see if he manages to remain unstupid for longer than five minutes.
I saw the thread below speculating on Al/younger!Olivia and I have to say it's been in my head to write Al's foolhardy encounter with sweet, shy little Katherine. I have no idea what she'll do to him but I do know he'll be walking funny the next day and Ed will mock
Winry knows shoddy work when she sees it. She's had excellent teachers, after all.
Yeah, the Elrics missing Pinako's funeral was kind of hard on them (they haven't forgiven me. Of course, Al still is yelling at me 'cause he didn't get his sexy tiems).
XD Just kidding, I'm hooked on your lovely, unhappy fic. And I need to know if Ed can manage to be unstupid for more than five minutes.
BTW, does yoporock have an lj or a DA? I can't find a link, but I do want to give some love to her gorgeous illos.
*whistles regarding Ed*
Click on her name under her art - I put in hyperlinks when I originally posted and yes, I'm delighted to say, they still work! (etaNot trying to be sarcastic - was panicking for a few seconds.)
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