So, after the funeral, one of my only living aunts took a hard fall onto the sidewalk in front of the church where we were holding the reception. She busted two teeth out of her mouth and went to hospital (Mom and I will be leaving to see her shortly). That was pretty much a downer - on top of the funeral, you know, someone gets hurt.
She was found to have an arrhythmia which wouldn't have been found if she hadn't fallen and gone to hospital, so...good thing? Kinda? Yeah?
Anyway, Mom and I were talking about the weird experiences I had this weekend with the deceased aunt turning her head to look at us from the casket and the screaming in my ear, and Mom said, "I told you I got woke up by someone knocking, didn't I? And no one was at the doors."
I'm debating on whether I have another long FMA story in me for
fmabigbang. Do I? Hmmmm. I need to finish three/four stories I already have out there...Hmmmmm.