Why yes, I am spamming your page today.

Oct 18, 2015 20:18

The dogs wanted to go out and since they're not supposed to pee or poop on the new grass 'til it gets established (at least a month's time), I leashed them up and took them for a walk around the block.

We made it less than halfway before I spotted a loose dog. We started back to see if I could catch it. It was a large Yorkie thing, a boy, a handsome fellow. Nicely trimmed, particularly annoying, as terriers are wont to be. He charged up but wouldn't let me touch him, Vinnie kept chasing him off, Rogue kept trying to sniff him. He wouldn't come close to me. While I was sitting on the front lawn of a neighbor's house, the terrier charged off and reappeared a few seconds later with a very tall Beagle-thing.

The Beagle thing came right over to me, being a Beagle. I leashed him up (I always carry an extra leash attached to Rogue and Vinnie's leashes) and led him back to my house where I tossed him in the back yard with Vinnie. We then went after the Yorkie. I finally saw him dart between a pair of houses and followed him back there, finding him on a stoop. There was a man and a boy playing next door with a taller, larger dog next to them. I asked if the Yorkie lived there, and they said yes, he did, he'd gotten out and ran off earlier and his person couldn't catch him. He had a string leash attached to the porch so I hooked him back up and petted and loved on him so he knew I was a nice person, then I went back in hopes the Beagle hadn't dug under the fence and run off with Vinnie.

Fortunately, they were waiting for me, so I called Animal Care and Control to come and get him. You have to call 911 to get ACC, and my 911 operator started laughing at me when I told the Beagle, "Don't eat that!" while I was on the phone with her. She said she'd send someone right out. In the meantime, the Beagle decided he desperately needed to play and tried chasing both Rogue and Vinnie. Vinnie didn't like anyone fast as he is and Rogue tried to play with him briefly but he's so big, he bowled her over.

I took the pics to post on Facebook on the local pet rescue page in case someone recognizes him.

Watching me.

Staring at Rogue as she barks at him

Did you know you have a ball in your yard?

This ball is the best!

pic spam, dog stories

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