Fic Recs

Jan 11, 2015 00:07

quitehopeless wrote an Iron Man/Batman crossover for this prompt: MCU, Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, some version of this:
Homer: Marge, what does it do?
Marge: It doesn't do anything.
Homer: Marge, really, what does it do?
Marge: Whatever it does, it's doing it right now.
and a Leverage fic for this prompt: Leverage, Any
Life is bringing you so down
You don't think you can make it
Every night is a show down
Every day is just fake it, Paul Revere and the Raiders

ciaranbochna wrote a Dresden Files ficlet, Down Time is a Foreign Concept.

doreyg wrote a fairy tale ficlet for Fairy tales, legends, originals, female character+Any, She who walks with wolves and El Barto for the prompt, The Simpsons, Bart, years later the police and their profilers will wonder where this psychopath came from.

apgeeksout wrote FMA fic, for Lan Fan and Ling, If We're Still Alive, My Regrets Are Few. Missing scene.

Fells wrote The Black Stallion fanfic (be still, my leaping heart!) for Yuletide, entitled, Said to the South Wind.

kryss_delhrei wrote an FMA ficlet for Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric/Winry Rockbell, first date (40 word fic).

tigriswolf wrote a ficlet for Leverage, Team or Any, Alternate Universe.

Shirasade wrote an Elizabeth Peters ficlet (another Yuletide offering) for Amelia Peabody Emmerson/Radcliffe Emerson (and Ramses), The Best-Laid Plans of Married Men.

kirathune wrote FMA, a lovely Al+Ling story, Dragon in the Desert. Can be read as gen or pre-Ling/Al.

cornerofmadness has written a two-parter for FMA, with Madam Christmas, Roy, and Maes in the starring roles. The Match and Homecoming are awfully cute. And an X-Files fic, with Mulder, Scully, and the Gunmen, The Meet Up.

seta_suzume wrote (and drew!) a ficlet/drawble for FMA, Al+/Paninya, Save That First Dance For Me. Plus, this adorable Olivier/Roy drawing.

kristinsk wrote an FMA-Hughes Lives! ficlet, Worth More Than Words.

gaia_lulia wrote an adorable FMA, Alex Louis ficlet, wherein Alex Louis takes up baking.

merryghoul wrote a Burn Notice/The Musicians of Breman fusion which is delightful.

jordanna_morgan wrote Styled, an FMA ficlet wherein Elicia gets a chance with Ed's hair

Annariel wrote two ficlets, a blending of Sapphire and Steel and Robin of Sherwood, the first being, The Guardian by the Lake from Sapphire's POV, and The Guardian across the Lake, from Marion's POV.

gehayi wrote a sort of a Harry Potter/Harry Dresden crossover ficlet, The Stolen Hallow, which is brilliant.

fic recs

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