Title: It’s Not Easy Being Green
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Characters/Pairings: Chekov, Scotty, Kirk, McCoy, Uhura
evil_little_dogWords: 300
Rating: Teen
Summary: Scotty and Chekov become drinking buddies. Oops.
Warnings: Ummm. Drinking?
Disclaimer: Though I’m almost old enough to have something to do with this originally, I’m not. Alas.
Prompt: From
classics_lass, Star Trek TOS, Scotty + Chekov, "It's... not wodka." "Nae, laddie. It's... it's greeeeeen."
They stood in a small huddle around the pair of them. "Are they dead?" Uhura asked, cautiously.
"No." McCoy stirred Chekov's hand with his foot. "Just drunk."
Kirk fingered his chin, glancing around. "Any idea what they were drinking?"
"If I had to guess, that green stuff Scotty's so found of," McCoy said with a sigh. "Guess I should call Security to pick them up and throw them in their rooms."
"I'd say, do something else." Kirk had that impish grin on his face.
"Something else, what, Captain?" Uhura didn't like that look any more than McCoy did.
"Oh, leave it to me. I'll take care of it." Kirk made a shooing motion at them both.
Some hours later, Scotty heard the whistle from the comm link. It felt like a laser piercing his skull. He rolled out of bed with a groan, his head heavier than it should've been. He could barely move, but still, he answered, "Scott here."
"Mr. Scott." It was Chekov, and he sounded panicked. "What were we drinking?"
"Just a little of this, a little of that, lad, why?"
The younger man's voice racheted up to a high pitched whine. "Why am I green?"
Green? Scotty raised his head and stared at the mirror, a leprochan staring blearily back. "Oh, laddy, I have no idea what happened." And he was terrified to find out.
"So, Jim," McCoy said, "when are you planning on telling Scotty you're the one who turned Pavel and him green?"
Kirk smiled brilliantly. "Another week, maybe. It's a really good dye, isn't it? I found out about it when I had to hide out in an Orion colony for a...mmm...little while."
McCoy sighed. "I really don't want to know any more, Jim, particularly how you colored their whole bodies." When Kirk opened his mouth, McCoy raised a finger. "Particularly!"