Title: Dress Hate
Fandom: In Plain Sight
Characters/Pairings: Mary, Marshall, Jinx
evil_little_dogWords: 150
Rating: K+
Summary: Mary hates this dress.
Warnings: N/A
Disclaimer: So not mine. So no money made.
Prompt: Dress hate (150 words)
“I hate this dress.” Mary paced back and forth like a tiger in a cage. Probably as dangerous, too.
“It looks fine on you,” Jinx soothed, patting the air, since she wasn’t getting any closer to her deadly daughter. She cast her eyes at Marshall, who widened his own in return.
He wasn’t even supposed to be here, after all. This was a woman’s outing, and he - well, contrary to Mary’s regularly snarking - he did have all his boy parts. And his boy parts liked girl parts. And girl parts looked good in dresses, his boy parts reminded him. “Uh. She’s right, Mar, I mean.” Marshall spread his hands. “You look really. Nice.”
Mary turned on him, the skirt swirling around her calves. She snarled, reinforcing that tiger image. “I need another dress!” she roared, sending Jinx and the clerks scattering. Pointing at Marshall, she snarled, “You. Stay.”
He did.