Oh Dearest Family

Feb 24, 2011 16:55

The news that we're expecting created tremendous amounts of happy messages, emails and phone calls. It was truly something joyous.

I'll have to admit that there were a few "Finally! It was about time!" thrown in the mix that weren't really appreciated. Mostly from family.
Again, as I have mentioned, most of my cousins who are my age have at least 1 kid, most averaging 2, or onto their 3rd. 
I couldn't find enough ways to say "I'm sorry I respected myself enough to first get my education, then get married AND THEN PLAN to have kids"- I know it's so out of the norm in my family, but for me, it was something I had envisioned for myself since I thought about what I wanted to do with my life.

I think it's disgusting that my family thinks having children and staying at home while the man works is the ultimate goal for a woman. What about bringing a child into this world as a DEFINED woman? A woman that if everything else falls apart, can at least take her education with her and provide for her family on a job that ISN'T minimum wage. A woman who isn't going to have to go on welfare and file for child support so she can have a few extra bucks each month. I'm sorry, I have way too much pride (hello, Leo) to sit back, get big and pregnant and let someone else handle the rest of my life.

I also hate women who tell me "Don't knock it; stay at home moms don't have it easy" - I'm not knocking it, I'm saying this is the way I AM. Your personal choice is yours, but please don't expect ME to not speak my mind either. If you're going to tell me "Oh good, you can now stay home and raise children," don't expect me to not give you my thoughts on that. Just because the rest of my cousins did that and are struggling to take care of their family, means that I am going to follow in their footsteps. Sorry. And unlike my brothers ex, I don't plan on bringing children into this world so some man can take care of me. The child is not some sort of insurance policy.

I had to take the car into the shop; broken water pump. Thankfully, the mechanic is going to end up doing a bunch of work on it for a very reasonable price. Thank goodness. Now, to go pick it up so I can give my sister back her spare vehicle :)

pregnancy reactions, car

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