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This is the part where we fall in love....
I am loving this song. I had forgotten how much I liked it until I heard it on the radio earlier this week.
I'm also obsessed with Ciara's body; it gives me wet dreams.
In the spirit of getting off this glorious married weight (seriously, I hate you extra pounds) AND switching to all natural organic foods, I am doing a master cleanse. Oh yeah, joy. This cleanse requires: Laxative Tea to move out all toxins, Sea Salt to flush you and a lemonade with organic lemons, maple syrup and cayenne pepper to keep your metabolism going (plenty of water too). Ideally, people do this for 5-10 days. I am going to start off slow and do it periodically. I'll do 5 days. The 6th day you drink orange juice, eat fruit and MAYBE a salad. You have to slowly start to incorporate healthy meals.
While I was in Minnesota (which was nice; T-Storms are awesome!), I went to the
Mall of America (yes, I got on the rollercoaster!) and splurged at
Teavana. That's the tea I got, all $54 worth of it. I know it's extreme for tea, but this all natural, Teavana is a fair trade company and it's DELICIOUS! This tea is also caffeine free, which will come in handy if/when I am preggers and want something nice to drink. I also need to find good cold teas. I already have the ice tea they use at
Starbucks. James and I are tea and coffee snobs. We grind our own coffee beans and have about 10 different types of black and white teas. We started drinking organic fair trade coffee, so I want to also do the same with our tea choices.
We start our biggest loser challenge at work on Monday. I want to get on the right foot, so I think some of the girls want to go hiking with me this weekend, which will be something to look forward to. I can't overdue workouts when I am on the cleanse, but I will still try to go for long walks around the park or hike a light trail.
Gardening needs to get back on track. James forgot to water the plants while I was gone and I forgot to tell him about the small ones next to the stove that caught too much humidity and began to mold :-/ Boo... I just have to start from scratch. Ugh. I still need to go get more material to raise the bed to be able to plant some nice veggies.
Pets are doing well; I need to get Shadow in for some vaccines. He also thinks he's a badass when he wears his turtle neck sweater or scarf. He is such a snob. They're all doing really well on their new food, which they both need refills on.
I have a doctors appointment on Tuesday to get a physical- not looking forward to it.
I came to the conclusion that I want to get some new lingerie, but not until I am closer to my ideal weight range. I can definitely see myself as one of those women that has several pieces to fit the season ;)
Time to head home!