Rocking Chair

Sep 07, 2010 15:17

 My husband wants us to run away to a place where we can sit on rocking chairs and be gay together. 
He always has the best ideas.

I got back from Michigan last night and it was the longest flight of my life. I really wanted to be home, so it felt like forever.

I LOVED the country side of Michigan. I was NOT impressed with downtown Detroit. I'll admit some of the building's are very Chicago/NY, it's just not a big WOW factor. Probably because a lot of the businesses went belly up and some of the buildings are abandoned. 
I did see Canada from the border LOL

I tried to do as little as possible while visiting Erin's farm. She did a great hostess job by making sure I always had anything I needed, especially beer. Her farm is awesome! She owns 5 acres of land where she has horses, chickens, ducks, dogs and cats. All the chicken let you pick them up and they're all named Coco, so when you say it, they'll repeat their name continuously. I think it's adorable.

Saturday I landed in Detroit at 5:30am. Too early to be functional really. We arrived at her house and immediately settled my things into her guest bedroom and took a nap with Reese's the cat and Rio the dog. I was so tired. When I got up, it was windy and cold. I went downstairs and Anthony, her fiance, was making us scrambled (FRESH) eggs and blueberry pancakes! Mmmmm. Erin and I got ready and headed out to the Ren Fare! We actually had to hike through the woods to get to it. It was so lovely! It was pets weekend, so lots of doggies everywhere. Erin and I are convinced we are poor because we spent a good chunk at the animal rescue section of the festival giving money to all the shelters and playing with rescued animals. I am a sucker for animals. We went back to her home and started drinking a beer sitting by the fire and ordering Pizza. I think we fell asleep watching a movie.

Sunday we got up and I made breakfast. We drove around town (the country) visiting other farms and checking out where she use to live. We came back and started shooting! Her fiance set us up for skeet shooting and target practicing with old fruit LOL I played catch with the dogs and ran around after the chickens. The horses needed apples, so we went to a local apple farm to pick apples. They also make cider and cider donuts. I had a pumpkin one though and it was yummy. She paid for her bag and we waited for the tractor with wagons to pick us up. She kept daring me to grab an apple as we drove down the farm. I did, and we ate them LOL We got off the wagon when we reached our apple of choice (Fuji). As we were picking apples, my allergies came on with a bang. No joke. I was sneezing, had a runny nose and my eyes were beyond itchy. Gross. I put up with it until we got to the car and I kept blowing my nose. Once we arrived at her farm, she gave me an allergy pill and I kept it low. I cut up a ton of fresh veggies to make a zuccini casserole for dinner. It was phenomenal. I am going to be addicted to organic veggies. The flavor is totally different and delicious. A family friend of theirs showed up with more guns for some target shooting. We were shooting water bottles and old veggies. I mentioned eggs and everyone thought I was being funny until I told them how pretty they look when they pop. I think it turned into a favorite because we kept shooting eggs LOL There was fresh beef brought in that morning from a cow that had just been killed. The steaks were so tender, it was unbelievable.  I think I ingested about 2 slices of peanut butter cake with whip cream. Moving from the porch where we had dinner was almost impossible. Walking was hard in itself. We sat down to watch another movie and I started feeling sleep so we called it an early night. (I felt old).

Monday I got up after sleeping in until almost 10am to the sound of wind, it had rained during the night. We lazied around with the dogs watching 'Never Been Kissed' until we had to go get the horses some hay. We were going to ride the horses, but one of the 2 rideable horses was injured and I didn't want to ride along in case the horse got scared and ran off; I wouldn't know where to go. We went to another farm to get a roll of hay and play with goats and furry chickens. They even had a deer! They were all so loving. It was like a petting zoo! I didn't see any pigs though, I really wanted to pet a pig. We came back to her home and painted. SHe really wanted me to paint something for her home :) She set up an easel in the kitchen and we painted for what felt like hours only to take a lunch break for some black bean burgers and homemade fries. Anthony cooks, so we took the time to keep painting. After we wanted to go to a museum of some sort but everything was closed because of the Holidays. She drove me down to Downtown Detroit where we got to see a lot of older buildings. The churches are nice; they remind me of NY. We drove to the border of Canada and I saw Quebec at the distance across one of the 3 major lakes! We drove around until it was time for the airport. Checking in was a breeze! The flight back home was less than desirable and felt SUPER long.

I had a great time on the farm (aside from allergies) and I can't wait til Erin comes to visit California!

It felt SO good to be home. James was waiting for me at the door and it just felt so incredible to just touch him. It's so gay how much I love that man. I couldn't stop kissing him or just touching him. <3

I thought my airport days were over. WRONG. I just found out I'm flying out next week to Minnesota! We're visiting our printing company for a press check. I am kinda sad actually, I really just want to be home. I know James isn't too happy about it either, I think he's ready to have his wife all to himself. I can't wait for the chaos to calm down so we can just sit around and be lazy together.

My brother's b-day is coming up and he's a spoiled brat. I don't know what to get him.

farm, traveling, erin, trips, minnesota, detroit, michigan, work

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