Money, Mother's, Mondays & Marriage

May 10, 2010 11:38

Upon realizing that next month, my total Sallie Mae payment will be $480 a month; I've wanted to figure out a way to get rich quick. I also soon realized that this is impossible, of course unless I wanted to rob a bank or sell cocaine. It's clear that I won't be doing either of those. I'm trying to figure out a way to NOT pay 3 different student loan institutions (w/3 different APR's) and just have one lump payment. Student consolidation services are available, but take about 45 days to go into effect AND it doesn't cover certain loans (which I do have those uncovered loans). So, I'm fucked three ways from Sunday. I contemplated a personal loan to pay off these student loans and only have ONE payment a month (instead of 3) and ONE APR (again, instead of 3). My only concern is that right now, I obviously owe more than I make; BUT I know for a fact (since I have pretty good credit) that if I get a personal loan to pay these off, I'd be saving myself a lot of money in the long run. I guess I'm going to have to be making an appointment to speak to a loans officer. Oh the joys. /sarcasm. I am really thankful that James has been working; I can't even begin to imagine what it would've been like had he not - a lot of the extra monies coming in I have been dumping into the savings account and trying to pay down my credit card that I had to use in emergencies when I was taking care of things while he was out of work.

I won't lie and say I have been the most frugal; we've clearly been spoiling ourselves. I can argue that it has all been well deserved. I hadn't been able to say "Ok, let's get it" in a while because of the limited income and now that there is extra, it feels nice to know that if we want it, we can get it. I understand that want and need are two totally different things, but I think 18 months of having had sacrificed all my paycheck deserves a little wiggle room, and I'll be damned if I don't take it.

Mother's Day this year was a quiet one spent at my parents with Posolè and cake. I didn't get to see my nephew (surprise, surprise) because his mother had different plans. My sisters step kids were there and we all just sat at the dinner table and talked. It was quite nice actually, to just sit and chit chat; catch up.

I dislike Monday's more and more every week. It makes me wonder where the weekend goes. The new Art Director still has no clue what she's doing. I don't know why she pretends to be this dignified artist when she can't find an image in her own image library. *eye roll* She's reminding me of the old boss more and more each day.

Nancy booked her wedding! November 13th is the lucky day! November is a sweet month if I may say so myself; fine month indeed! I've already reserved a room at the Luxor for us; the Bachelorette celebration will be in Las Vegas. It's really the only way to go! James is jealous of my 2 Vegas trip's this year. I tell him he should ask his best friend to come down from Florida so they could go to Vegas together. I don't think his friend has ever been either. I should be making an appointment to be fitted for my dress at the end of the month or the first week of June. I love weddings and am looking forward to attending two this year! I think they are a joyous occasion and being in a room full of intoxicating love is so powerful. I know I've only been married 6 months, but I LOVE being married. It is so much more different than being boyfriend and girlfriend - there really is a difference. It's hard to explain it, you don't really feel the difference until after.

I'm tired, hungry and really want to be at home playing the Sims3 LOL

nancy's wedding, work, student loans, money

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