Now I Know I Must Be One Within, Before I Create My Own Kin...

Jul 16, 2009 14:09

.... an independent daughter needs a strong courageous mother.

My boss came back today and so did my stress headaches.... coincidence? I think not.

James and I are going to my uncle/godfathers surprise b-day party this weekend. I wasn't going to go due to lack of funds, but one of my cousins is picking us up - saving me some gas mula. Now just to figure out what to do about a gift/party food.

Arthur got me addicted to playing Farm Town on Facebook now. I know I shouldn't start playing any type of game because I get easily absorbed with it. He's hired me to plow his field so I can make mula to put more crop in my farm. Its really a fun game.... good for when you're bored at work.

I've been tracking everything I eat like a Nazi. I've been consuming so many fruits and veggies that it's ridiculous. Also, water. I am almost done with one gallon of water and its 2:15pm. I need to consume at least another half gallon by the end of the day.

I'm so over this term, I can't wait for it to be over.

My advanced image editing teacher wants me to enter into a competition. It'll cost me $20 out of pocket for 'registration' but its a REALLY big industry competition. I'm both intimidated and scared to enter. What's there to lose right? Just $20, but it's still $20 I could use for gas. We'll see.

aiga competition, farm town, food

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