i can't wait till summer.. and lunch..!!

Apr 18, 2007 10:23

sooo.. i think i'm gonna die before the semester's over.. i'm so overwhelemed right now.. it really kinda sucks. nothing is working out the way i want it to.. i just really hope tony's able to come home this weekend couse i think seeing him will help calm me down and help me get my life streight again. i dont know why this happens but i'm always so stressed and overwhemled around this time of year. i really do dislike spring with a firery passion.

spring took yet another thing from me this year. when i came home last weekend ichigo was dead. but i guess that's actually a good thing.. she was 4 years old already and could barely walk let alone crawl up the tube to get to her waterbottle so i knew it was comming and was kinda waiting for it. but last wednesday i went out and got two mice as a replacement [i feel really weirs w/out some kind of animal to take care of..] their names are danika and zaine.. i wish i could've gotten a dog but for now mice will just have to do..

hmmm.. on a better note.. i found this add for a 'goth cruse' with VNV Nation playing a concert on it.. so i told tony couz i know how much he loves them.. so now we're gonna look into it and try to go.. but it's not till october.. it would be so amazing if we could go couz i've never had any kind of trip like that [other than going to itally w/NFHS] without my family and i'm just excited couz i know with tony, i'd get to do things with him that we both want to do.. instead of always doing only what rich desided everyone would do like all my other vacations have been.
i'm also really excited about the camping trip tony and i plan to do this summer.. and i think he's excited to do things like go fishing with someone who 1] knows how to fish and knows that when fishing you dont sit there and talk.. 2]wont sit there and complain about being bored.. 3] is able to bait their own line.. 4] isnt afrade to touch worms or fish.. 5] can actually take their own fish off their line when they get one.. and 6] just someone he can just enjoy hanging out with, who will also give him a chance to enjoy fishing as well!! <3
this summer is deffinently gonna be the best one i've had since i was a little kid and all i did all day was play outside with aaren!!

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I FINALLY GOT A NEW CELL PHONE!! YAY!! it's the mint chocolate and it was free do to my 'rent's GM discount and a $50 rebate.. haha.. score!! $179.99 phone for free!!! whoo-hoooooooooooo!!
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