White Trash Threats..

May 02, 2007 15:23

Okay, so I'm busily just doing whatever it is I happen to do during a weds. Which is mow the lawn before it rains again. And again I find myself stepping on little puppy piles (dog shit) while I'm mowing. Of course it gets sprayed all over my pantlegs and stinks to high heaven on my shoes. This whole time I'm doing this the neighbor's darling doggies are hanging out next door with her 'visitors' and her daughter, who we will learn more about in a moment.

I do what I'm supposed to do. Instead of making empty threats, I get proof. Proof of what the hell is going on before I get blamed for it and sent another extortion letter. Here we go:

Notice the dogs? See anything wrong there? Here, let me get a close up for you.

Now do you see what I see? Or don't see? Leashes or leads. That's right. The precious pooches haven't been on a leash or a lead since the woman moved in. She's got her white trash kiddies sitting around smoking and her white trash dogs roaming around taking a dump wherever they please. This is why I want to move.

Oh! And on top of that I got threatened with a call from the police. Why? Because I took pictures of her from my front porch. Why don't we call the bluff right now and put up a close-up of this paragon of legality, shall we? You might want to have your children leave the room for this one, folks.

Look at me! Breaking white trash law! Omg...are they gonna put a broken down car on bricks in my yard now? God forbid!

morons, idiots, white trash, threats, toothless

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