You fucker get up, come on get down with the sickness

Oct 27, 2004 20:46

My first journal entry, figured I'd get one since everybody else I know has one.

Woke up at 10 today and went to College class, today was Information Systems class at Oakland Community College. It was the same thing as last week, mostly lectures but we also got to work on our SAM's online lab (for those who don't know, SAM is a software where College Professors upload short class lessons you get to complete.) I had finished them before hand but we had new ones to complete. Thankfully they were based on web design and html, things I excelled in. Bad part is SAM is COMPLETELY in flash so the code we had to type in had to be SPACE FOR SPACE PERFECT. Doing links were easy but the tables were fucking annoying as hell. Plus one lesson required you to change the font type to arial, little did we know you had to spell arial with a capital A in order to continue, boy did that piss me off...

After class I went home and talked online for a few minutes before I picked up Brian and went to Summit for some much needed clothing. Unfortunately Cody wanted to come and pick up Guilty Gear X2 #Reloaded so I had no choice but to take him. Of course once we got there he forgot his wallet so he had no specific purpose. We stopped in at the old store I worked at before I got promoted Ebgames, I got to talk to my co worker Bryan (not to be confused with my other friend Brian.) Talked to him for a few minutes then went down to the food court where I ordered a weird pizza stick, basically it was a big breadstick with cheese and pepperoni filling that looked suspiciously like a penis... Of course due to Brian and Cody's constant jokes I was unable to finish my food.

Finally got home where my brother Drake, Brian, Cody and I sat down and watched TV in the basement, Cody was practicing in King of Fighters Maximum Impact. Apparently Shawn was going to stop over because Cody called him up and said he was going to kick his ass in KOF, Shawn could never resist smack talk...

When Shawn did finally come over he played Cody in KOF, the first match Cody actually won, his Rock Howard had managed to beat Shawn's Kyo. Of course the following 5 rounds lead to Cody getting his shit rocked. Of course I finally got a chance to play Cody, it was not pretty I'll tell ya, my K' started off nicely with a first round perfect along with the second match which involved K' pulling off a combo followed by his super (the one where he throws his sunglasses at you.)

Soon after Shawn left to play Halo with Brett and his friends (Cody claims that Shawn goes over there to have sex due to the fact he's constantly over there playing Halo.) We finally got to watch Cody's Dawn of the Dead DVD, the movie was great but I was disappointed in the extra content, almost no delete scenes (there was 12 minutes but I failed to notice any) the extra footage involving Andy's exploits in camcorder format along with the news broadcastings were really cool though.

Well thats about it, i'm going to hang around a little longer then probably go to bed. I start my new English class tomorrow at 9am then its straight to work at EBX Somerset.

Dead or Alive Ultimate comes out tomorrow, nice....
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