It can be essay tiem now? :D

Mar 05, 2007 18:59

So we had this huge, huge, HUEG clusterfuck of a fight Friday/Saturday. Business as usual for camp. Beat the baddie, go back to your normally-scheduled activity. And there will be rejoicing, right?

There are several people whose lives are kinda tilted right now but I'm selfish so we're focusing on one of my two affected girls.

First thing is she's just kind of FLOORED that love and justice won. WTF. This is not what she was raised to see. She can't write Reine Devilla off as weak because Reiny-chan was anything BUT (she saw that attack by Francescu--it made Potamos nearly piss herself. But here Reine Devilla SHIRKS THAT SHIT OFF told u she was hardcore). But then Usagi and Momoko and Yousuke just get everyone to do this...thing. And it works. The queen of darkness falls and Potamos saw her fall.

So she can now know and actively fear the power of love, because it's indeed deadly when used in a certain manner. Getting further on topic of that was Viento. Producing Love Wave.

But wait isn't he the blah blah blah Top Tier devil? Yes. But that didn't stop him from pumping out love. Devils would never willingly pull a stunt like that, and the Love Wave needs a reason to exist. Both requirements are logically fulfilled: Yousuke loev Momo.

And that pillar underneath Potamos' feet comes tumbling down. Demons aren't supposed to love but he loves that angel. And she loves him. And the Water Demon is left in the cold, cold air.

Let's compound that--we still know Potamos loves Yousuke. It is, after all, half the reason she SURVIVED that onslaught augmented by Momoko and the Saint Something Old. And now she somewhat knows it. But denial is a river in Egypt and if ANYONE has access to it, it would be the Water Devil Girl.

You're still probably wondering what the other half was that helped her survive, right? Simple answer: Usagi's wish. And what Usagi wishes for, the Ginzuishou supplies. And that's the fun part and broken pillar number two. Because using that crystal is no small task--the first time it made its appearance, it did so projecting a light brighter than the sun and flooded Tokyo and essentially undeadified all the people Kunzite had just killed/mortally drained. It DOES come at a cost, since using the crystal is burnout for Usagi--and Potamos noticed this. Noticed this bright light and what it was doing to Usagi and couldn't piece together why someone with all that power would wish for something so...stupid.

And let's be fair--no one has ever shown Potamos that level of devotion, before. She never expected anyone to, not even Viento. So she's shaken and scared and doesn't want to think about it because it still doesn't make sense. "Because I wanted to" is not a valid excuse, Odango.

I think that covers her world inverting on her--people showing genuine affection and demons behaving not-quite-like demons. Now we deal with part two of that later point and it's gonna get a bit ugly hahaha...ha.

She wants to die whut. >.>

And was very willing to ask another demon to do it. Because it's the demonic way for weaker individuals to be put out of their misery but the truth is as nice as it is to see Viento smiling, him kissing another woman with intimate meaning is just too damn painful to bear. And she won't take it out on Peach because that would make him unhappy and then it would just hurt even more. So throwing that mortal coil ought to relieve things except that Viento says Potamos should find and live for herself again. Which are really nice words except that she doesn't care a whole lot at the moment so she'll be all numb and emo/repressing until she can find some kind of even ground to stand on.

Cue Chidori jumping in and taking her to the hotel. Not that she LIKES it but it's better than facing Viento at the moment. The wound is too fresh--it hurts to look at him and she needs time or something really nasty is gonna happen. Or try to; damn moogles.

Usagi is less of a pain, thankfully. Potamos just isn't sure how to handle that idiot anymore. Because she's an idiot for throwing her life away or even attempting to for the sake of an enemy. Or. So Potamos wants to think but logic isn't helping things. Her heart is thankful for the save, but her pride resents it with everything left in it.

Of course that next step is to try and rebuild the pieces from her life. Which is fucked up because she'll want to find out what happened to her home if Reine Devilla is no longer pushing things and that means...talking to Viento. Or Scarlett. Haha ow.

In sum, her mindset is all kinds of chaotic and fragile but it will try to rebuild on itself really. With a lot of chocolate. Lots. And lots.
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