Thought this was pretty cool...

May 26, 2005 21:32

Had a good day. Went to Lew Ts for like 20 mins...then back home, then Lew C came to mine for a while...then we went to the park with the others...twas good. just a like 'mate' day i guess.
Looking forward to tomorrow even more though :D

My Killers album came through the post this morning :D so thats cool...

Got a letter about my phone and about the screen being fixed and yeah...they said it'd cost *gulp* £94 to get it repaired.
£94? fuck. so basically when i get my EMA bonus in June/ July has to go towards that. brilliant. trust jon not to have had his mobile insured or nothing. twat.

Missing Lewis a lot latley, even though i only saw him like a few hours ago...and even when i am with him, i miss him. ?? its weird.
Anyways, im in a good mood at the moment and i intend to stay that way...
Thought this was cool.

Name 20 of your friends and answer the following questions:

01. Charlie
02. Billy
03. Peter
04. Lewis C
05. Sean
06. Lewis T
07. Kate
08. Kyli
09. Corinne
10. Coral
11. Laura
12. Dannielle
13. Michelle
14. Ann Marie
15. Sonja
16. Anneka
17. Sanja
18. Jessica
19. Devan
20. Poonam

Who is #8 going out with? Sean
Is #9 a boy or a girl? Girl
Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple? lol. that would be interesting. but i dont think it would work.
How about #18 and #4? No. Because Lewis is mine bitch.
What grade (year) is #17 in? erm...mine? its hard to say cause shes been at the college longer than me...meh i dunno.
When was the last time you talked to #12? Yesterday in lesson at college
What is #6's favorite band? Muse, obv.
Does #1 have any siblings? Yeah, 2 sisters
Would you ever date #3? sure. if i didnt already have the love of my life.
would you ever date #7? See above.
Is #16 single? Think so.
What's #15's last name? knew that was coming.
What's #10's middle name? Lyn or Lynn i think?
What's #5's favorite thing to do? Play computer games.
Is #13 hot? Hell yes. she is the most gorgeous girl i know.
Would #14 and #19 make a good couple? lol thats funny. erm, it look a bit weird. seeing as devan is quiet and ann marie....isnt.
What school does #20 go to? Uxbridge College
Tell me a random fact about #11? shes lived in Germany for the past....4/ 5 years and is coming back to england this year
And #3? he has awsome hair
Have you ever had a crush on #15? Nope.
Where does #9 live? South Ruislip
What's #4's favorite color? Blue...?
Would you make out with #14? Haha, nope.
Are #5 & #6 best friends? Not best...but pretty good i reckon.
Does #7 like #20? They don't know eachother
Does #8 like #19? Dunno. theyve only seen eachother once...
How did you meet #2? Queensmead School
How did you meet #18? Uxbridge college
Does #10 have any pets? Dont think so...maybe fish...
Is #12 older than you? Yep
Is #17 the sexiest person alive? lol, nope.
Does #2 have any cute siblings? No
What about #16? dunno
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