So yah, lake was t3h awesome. Swam, played around on the bongo, rode the Ejector Seat (the waves were huge on Sunday), etc. Kendal (my sister,
Sennical, for those of you that don't know her) left early Monday for Music & Arts week at Sumatanga, and some relatives (my cousin Jameson, aunt Deetsie, cousin-in-law Michael, cousin Elizabeth, her husband Kevin, their daughter (my first-cousin-once-removed) Abbigayle*, and uncle Bruno)** came over for the Fourth.
Jameson and I left just after six to go see War of the Worlds. Good movie. Not amazing, but very good nonetheless. Dakota Fanning is an amazing actress, especially at her age. Tom Cruise's character, despite his issues and the whole alien invasion thing, was probably more mentally stable than Tom himself.
Seriously though, what HAPPENED to Tom Cruise? I mean, he used to be okay. Now he's friggin' crazy.
Speaking of crazy, our new kitten is just that. Crazy. And I don't mean like normal, a-little-off-his-rocker-slightly-mentally-unstable crazy. I mean like really-super-batshit-bouncing-off-the-frikkin'-walls-while-singing-ancient-Celtic-folk-songs crazy.***
I've noticed an odd tendency in myself lately. And that is, when I spend most of a day up in the playroom playing video games, I don't get hungry. I mean seriously, I'll get going up there on something like Fable or Resident Evil 4 (both of which are kickass games) and end up eating something like a single meal and two snacks the whole day.**** I wasn't aware that electronic entertainment had any sort of nutritional value, but that is apparently the case. This probably means that the entire concept of "food" will become foreign to me once KH2 comes out.
And Oh-Emm-Gee, this week's
VG Cats is hilarious. Non-gamer types probably won't get as much out of it, though.
*I'm aware of the fact that her name is spelled rather bizarrely. Don't ask me why they chose to spell it that way.
**Just in case you're curious, everyone there was from my dad's side of the family except for Jameson and Bruno.
***No, the cat does not actually sing Celtic folk songs.
****This could have something to do with the fact that I normally don't wake up till twelve on most summer days.
*****I'm into footnotes today. Can you tell?