Aug 18, 2009 12:09
Here's the email copy for the donation. If anyone who donated has questions, please let me know!
from: President, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Foundation
date: Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 11:54 AM
subject: Thank you for giving online to Cincinnati Children’s!
Thank You for Your Gift!
Because you care enough to support the work of Cincinnati Children’s, patients with conditions ranging from broken arms to brain tumors have access to world-class care. And their families get the support they need to be partners in their child’s care.
Thank you for your gift of $500.00 to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center on 8/18/2009.
Your support helps children with injuries, illness and life-threatening diseases have hope for a cure and a healthy future. I hope you know the valuable role you play in bringing innovative research and treatments to these children.
Thank you for your support. Together, we will continue to change the outcome for kids from our community and around the world.
Kenneth G. Massey
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Foundation
P.S. If you have any questions about your gift, please contact Liz Curnett at 513-636-4484.
If you chose to designate your gift for a specific area of the medical center, your support will be allocated to that program area as per your wishes. If you indicated that you would like your gift to be used where it is needed most, it will be included as part of our Change the Outcome Campaign which is dedicated to a number of diverse and inspirational strategic initiatives. These priority initiatives have the greatest potential to transform quality of life outcomes for the children and families we serve. Please let us know if this designation is not consistent with your expectations for the use of your gift and we will be happy to redirect your support to another area within our mission.
To comply with the IRS requirements regarding charitable donations, we affirm that no goods or services have been provided to you, in whole or in part, in consideration of your contribution. This letter will serve as confirmation of your donation for income tax purposes.
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
3333 Burnet Avenue, MLC 9002, Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039 | 513-636-4561
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