Sharp Pointy Teeth

Mar 31, 2010 09:32

So again I have fallen out of updating and I keep saying I am going to stop doing that. But I cant break myself from doing for some reason. So much has gone on in my life its kind of crazy, it's hard to think that in a week or so it will be a year since I have lost my mom. I seem alright with it right now but I know as soon as it gets closer I am going to be a huge mess, But please not actively come to me and ask me if I am ok and what not because I need to go through this on my own.

Other then that I have been working a hell of a lot and not having much time for anything else, Besides getting scheduled so I am able to raid in WoW. Which has been a lot of fun for me, and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. Everyone else has their own vices, mine just happens to be video games <3

I had more I wanted to say but I have to get around for work, But I leave you with this, I love you guys, and how have YOU been?
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