It's time to go OMGWHEEEEE!

Dec 08, 2007 04:01

Okay, so yes, I've moved.  Yes, I'm in Iraq.

The pay is great, over double what I was getting over in .kg, and what I was getting in the form of snipes, drama and politics?  I get in the form of the occasional rocket/mortar attack and I get to sleep to a nice background of gunfire.  All in all, not really that bad of a trade.  I know that I promised a mailing address for myself, and the following post shall have one.  It shall be future dated as the last one was.

Another note is that whatever pictures I do have of whatever alleged damage or what not... I really can't share.  It's that horrid opsec thing, and I do need to make sure that the insurgants have as little information as possible.  I can say that I'm in Camp Victory, happily working as a system administrator in a very safe location (respectively), and things are looking up.

So....  How ya'll dooin? 

