Rawr~! Here's part 2. Short one again and I hope to be able to keep the parts short and sweet. Again, don't read if you may get offended over religion. Here goes~
Eithne’s Soliloquy
When can I escape from this insane age? When can I shed these pretenses and be myself? I can wait no longer! I am fully aware that from the day I renounced the Christian faith, years ago when I was allowed to “choose”, nobody looked at me the same way again. Of course, I was never looked upon as a normal child from as long as I can remember. The first words I spoke were of my lord’s language, and no one has forgotten about it.
All these years my father has kept me safe, but the baseless linking of our society’s problems with sorcery, alchemy and everything out of the ordinary has placed immense pressure on him. It is my turn to show my love for him and the rest of my family. Tonight, I shall bask in the comfort of their bosoms, but tomorrow, I shall let my father know of my plans. Together, we shall execute this last act, and may we be finally released from this vicious fate.
How I wish I can type that in German to match her nationality XD