It's time for Pagans and fair-minded peoples of all faiths to stand up and shout enough is enough to the radical, looney goon (pun intended,) right wing nutjob bible thumpers that are trying to catapult our nation back into the Dark Ages
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It's nice to think that we could all have the freedom to do as we wish, but aren't we all tied together? I mean, everyone's actions affect someone else, at what point does "discomfort" and "dislike" become "harm"? Then, too, at what point do we need to stop worrying so much about individuality and focus more on how we have to come together as a society? Sometimes I wonder if Eastern cultures don't have it closer to correct with less emphasis on the individual and more emphasis on families and groups. To my shame, I am sadly ignorant of most of the finer points of that philosophy, but at a broad brushstroke it seems to have some definite appeal over the "everyone for himself" one we seem so desperate to hold onto.
Anywho, I'll cut that off there before that gets into too much of a rant ;)
And if the comment isn't welcome, my apologies :)
Then again, I suppose it's the tension between the two that makes things interesting, and it's fighting for what we believe that makes life worth living.
Without the shadows there can be no light, and all that fun stuffs ;)
Thanks indulging me with the discussion, was a pleasant way to burn the morning. Work is such a grind :/
Whether I'm actually RIGHT about any of this, well...who cares? It's the figuring it out part that's fun. ;)
Sadly, I don't know that I really watch who says what in the WoW forum too much, and I didn't read that far in your journal, was mostly just shocked by finding someone who didn't have a friends-only journal :P
At the risk of being too forward, I'ma go ahead and friend you, you seem like a fun and interesting person. Btw, good luck with the app at the APL. I actually sent a resume to someone over there when I was looking for a job last year, I think, though never heard anything back.
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