Jun 29, 2008 07:59
Well, as usual I can barely be bothered to post while I'm at home. Haven't even bothered to put up pictures from months ago. Its been a good vacation though, nearly four and a half months. Highlights include...
- Moving into a neat apartment near downtown Hattiesburg
- Getting my Fleetwood back on the road (sorry, no pics, but trust me it looks great)
- Pulling off a low-budget parking lot clutch replacement on Katie's Toyota
- Hiking 16 miles along Black Creek with Irish Ann, who was a wonderful houseguest
- Rescuing and helping raise two orphaned kittens
- Spending two weeks in New Orleans while job hunting and getting to know the place better
- Finally, getting a pretty good job despite shipping being very slow in New Orleans
...which brings me to today, which finds me sitting in the Atlanta airport waiting to board a plane to Tokyo. I am flying out I meet the Alliance St Louis, a car carrier going to what I assume is California. Its only supposed to be a month, which means just riding it back and getting off, but I wouldn't mind staying longer if I can. It looks like I'll have to go straight to work when I get there, unless the ship is late, but its still a bit of an adventure flying half way around the world and all that.
So, to all you peps I've not seen lately, we'll have to get together when I return. And to those who's email I have not managed to respond to, procrastination wins again so please forgive what I have forgot.
Catch ya'll on tha flip.