Our headcanon is perfect and you are all jealous. [fic]

Jan 15, 2012 01:22

I blame saintawesome and Jason Mraz for this. And since I don't know Jason Mraz, I can safely say that this is entirely Em's fault. So there.

even if the skies get rough
Sailor Moon/The Vampire Diaries (Chiba Mamoru + Damon Salvatore)
summary: "I had to learn what I got, and what I'm not - and who I am" / Mamoru's parents are not exactly what he'd dreamed of. They're better.
warning: implied Salvatore incest and mpreg, complete and utter insanity

It was quiet in Mamoru's apartment when he returned. (Usagi had tried to insist that she didn't need him to walk her home, but Mamoru wouldn't have it. Not when there were vampires around, and especially ones he wasn't related to.) Damon was sitting on his couch, looking out at the Tokyo skyline glowing orange and red with sunset. Stefan had obviously thought it best to leave his brother to his contemplation, if the sounds of chopping and stirring from the kitchen were any indication.

Once he'd closed the door and put down his keys, Mamoru was, not for the first time, at a loss for his next move. He understood the need to be alone with your thoughts, turn them over and over and make sense of them somehow. But he had learned from Usagi that sometimes you need rescuing from your own introspection, even if you didn't necessarily want it. Wallowing was a close cousin of introspection, after all.

Mamoru replaced his shoes with slippers and made his way to the couch. Damon didn't start - he'd probably heard Mamoru approaching from the stairs, after all - but his expression shifted slightly. Mamoru was getting better at reading those tiny inflections; for Damon, a twitch of the corner of his mouth was as good as a genuine smile. Thinking like Usagi would, he made himself comfortable right next to Damon (instead of a cusion's length away, to give him "space," as he would have liked). A cloud seemed to lift in Damon's face, and rather in spite of himself, he leaned in slightly to Mamoru's warmth. Mamoru couldn't help but smile, and let his head rest against Damon's. Afraid to break the spell, he said nothing, and Damon could only stand it for a minute or so.

"So, are we everything you ever dreamed of as parents?" he teased, and Mamoru couldn't help but notice that the edge wasn't quite as sharp as it usually was.

Mamoru chuckled softly. "I had a lot of dreams about what my parents might have been like. 'Vampire brothers' was not one of them."

Damon's mouth turned up in a smirk. "Would have thought you'd get around to that, eventually."

"I did have a dream where my parents were super spys on the run from an international crime conglomerate." Mamoru shrugged. "Seems practically plausible now."

"I'm usually the one causing international crime," Damon pointed out.

Mamoru just smiled. "Usually."

They were both silent for a moment, and then Damon squared his shoulders and sighed. "How can you do this? Taking all this in stride? It's... it's not natural how well-adjusted you are in the face of..." He waved his hand around, pointing at himself and Stefan in the kitchen. "What's your secret?"

Mamoru thought about that for a moment. "My secret? Well, the truth is... when you're the reincarnated prince of the Earth who raised himself, turned to petty thievery to answer the questions about his past, died, becmae brainwashed, died again, lost all of your memories a second time--" He stopped, suddenly self-conscious and blushing. "My point is, considering all of the things that have happened to me, I guess I've just chosen the path of least resistence. Accept things as they come."

It was Damon's turn to lose himself in thought. Finally, he said, "would you rather not know? About us. Seems like that would be... easier."

"No." Mamoru didn't even need to think about it. "Living my life without memories was like being nothing. The only identity I had was the one I created. Knowing about my past life was a start, gave me a purpose, but without a family in this time, it was only part of the story. I could only be half of myself."

Mamoru turned to look at Damon, and had to blink a couple of times to make sure he hadn't hallucinated the brightness of unshed tears. There's more human in there than he'll ever admit, he thought. "It doesn't matter to me that you're vampires, or even that you're brothers. You're my family. I have the one thing I thought I'd never get back. And even though I know I could forget it all tomorrow, I have this moment."

Before Damon could object, Mamoru kissed sweetly him on the temple, and then stood up. "Papa probably needs help in the kitchen." He was gone just like that; vampire reflexes had their benefits, it turned out.

That left Damon on the couch, staring at the city, completely at a loss for the first time since he'd entered the tomb and Katherine wasn't there. He ran one hand through his hair, and touched the spot where Mamoru had kissed him.

How Damon managed to have a son so utterly perfect, he would never fucking know. Maybe he got all his good genes from Stefan (well, apart from the smolderingly sexy looks, obviously). But Mamoru was his, and he was perfect, and it humbled Damon in a way he couldn't remember ever feeling.

After 150 years, it turned out there were still things for Damon to learn.

// I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up... //

fanfic, sm, tvd

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