Never underestimate the power of a good steel guitar solo.

Jan 23, 2008 22:26

Well, since eight people wanted it, here's some art I've been doing lately. All started and completed in Photoshop CS2.

Act of War
(My Chemical Romance/Sailor Moon)
If you ask my brain, this is what Gerard Way looked like in a past life. Sailor Enyo, Senshi of War, who apparently just dispatched someone with her large, pointy object. I thought about giving her a ponytail, and then came to my senses and realized it looked ridiculous.

Watashi ni nare...
(My Chemical Romance/Fall Out Boy/Cobra Starship/The Academy Is.../Sailor Moon)
Warning: this one is big. A fuku chart for my epic bandom/Sailor Moon crossover. From left to right - Sailor Apollo (Frank Iero), Sailor Enyo (Gerard Way), Sailor Asclepius (Ray Toro), Sailor Nyx (Mikey Way), Sailor Pandora (Pete Wentz), Sailor Tethys (Gabe Saporta), Sailor Chloris (William Beckett)

The Tragedy of the Human Condition
(Sailor Moon)
My interpretation of one of my all time favorite, and most terribly brutal, scenes from the Sailor Moon manga. It might be the most visceral and cruel deaths anyone in the cast experiences - that's not even the pointy end of that staff! Poor Kakyuu. At least she got to show off her Senshi form here.

The Terrible Miss E versions 1 and 2
A drawing I started eight months ago and finally completed. Uh. Mostly. I wanted to put a background on it, but dammit, at least it's got color. Being the slightly disturbed person that I am, I added a little bit of gore, just for fun. Is she killing zombies, or is she a zombie killing humans for delicious brains? You decide.

Just a Sad Song
(My Chemical Romance)
Backgrounds are for suckers. Or people with a lot of time to kill. Doodled up this picture of Ray ages ago, and finally gave him a guitar and colored it all in while I was at home. And yeah, it's got blood on it, too. I don't know, okay? It's just a fun effect. Don't you judge me.

Got a couple of other doodles in the works, but they're not ready for public consumption. ...Ha, I say that like any of these are. Whatever. :D

mcr, art, tai, cs, fob, sailor moon

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