Aug 21, 2006 09:58
I is the exausted Lee. Big weekend.
Lee goes to work at 6.30 am, makes calls, runs debits, talks to Shahim etc etc. Leaves work @ about 9am. Drives home picks up men of house. Shopping. M needs new Pjs, shoes, sheets, doona cover and get him new game for game boy (guilt is a catholic thing). Home. Try to take M's mind off op by keeping him busy. Almost puke cleaning his room. Room sparkles. Bed made, floor mopped etc. Head to hospital, met by Claire, Up to day stay ward. M needs to get changed into new jammies and slippies. They throw Claire out (only 2 adults per kiddie) Joe goes in with M to get knocked out. (Lee could not face it, paper booties, I DONT THINK SO, they not even PINK! humph) Waiting Waiting Waiting. (Did I menton that the moving in the waiting room with the kiddies was Rambo, and the adult waiting room had Disney.......) Anyhoo, They come and get us. M is in recovery, He crying and crying that it hurt, Lee and Joe not happy. Nurse says its normal but with all those drugs should not. He says he wants to wee. They get a bottle, they uncover and it seems MY SON HAS PUBES! Lee not happy, lee feeling old. Joe comforts Lee who it seems has turned white seeing the pubes. PUBES FOR GODS SAKE! M pukes, and falls asleep. M wakes, pukes, falls asleep. Sigh, did I mention PUBES??!!! We get home. M hops into crispy clean bed, and sleeps. Joe teases Lee anbout pubes, and does not get laid......
Calls from Shahim. Can I go to the chocolate sale at the old wonderland site? Alas no, Hop-along (AKA M) can to do that, so Lee misses out on DISCOUNT LINDT! Grmble. Lee and Hopalong (he walkimg like a cowboy) pay rent, do shopping (more guilt gifts and actual food) Teach M that cleaning his room again today will stop it from becoming a sty. He actually makes his bed and puts his jim jams under his pillow. Sigh. Lee falls asleep on couch and kids complain, for the last time, its snuffly sleepy noises NOT snoring! Try to take kids to pancakes at northmead, there is a fecking LINE! No pancakes! Humph. Home, Joe teases Lee about pubes and does not get laid!
Junk Market (the the good one...) Computer market (sigh) Road rage. Fall asleep on couch, kids give up, threaten to leave home. Uncle comes for Joe to fix puter, Lee gives up, threatens to leave home. Lee gets drunk, forgets about pubes, joe gets laid.
Wake with overwhelming urge to eat block of fat, so off to Maccas for hashbrowns. Feel better.