Was surfing through JibJab's site and just like everyone else it seems, they have a place to post videos. Here are some I found that were too damn funny or good.
New way to juggle
http://www.jibjab.com/jokebox/jokebox/jibjab/id/390889/jokeid/69369 Wine opener
http://www.jibjab.com/jokebox/jokebox/jibjab/id/312361/jokeid/13244 For you cat lovers
http://www.jibjab.com/jokebox/jokebox/jibjab/id/454832/jokeid/97148 Larry the Cable Guy tries to be politically correct
http://www.jibjab.com/jokebox/jokebox/jibjab/id/262624/jokeid/55118 The many use of the 'F' word (not suitable for kids or work)
http://www.jibjab.com/jokebox/jokebox/jibjab/id/299997/jokeid/47224 Bare Illusion (something you will NEVER see on American TV: Nude Magic Tricks)