Jun 13, 2006 19:42
Well talked to the adjuster this morning and the appraised my Tahoe for $6100, which I was going to be happy to get between $5000 and $6000. About $1460 and change will go to the finance company to pay off the loan and the rest comes to me. Plus, I get $516 back for my rental car (insurance company reimbursment) and the $150 deposit for the rental car. I am not used to things coming out good for me, guess I am waiting on 'the other shoe to fall' lol. My plan is to take all the money (minus getting an alarm for the new car) and having a direct pay for at least the car note, if not the insurance also. Of course I might spend a little, the $516 might have to go for a new sofa I want (with recliners built in), don't know.
you are just a do-gooder.,
i am not evil