"I feel like dancing.." *cough* no more 70's....I promise

Oct 14, 2004 21:34

Hands up who's going?

I've already made plans with a few people but I want heaps of people from my "friends" list to go so that I can finally catch up with most of you & to those of you I haven't yet met....prepare to finally meet! Mwahahaha....;P Name your favourite flavoured lollypop & I might just come bearing gifts!!! hehehe :D

Attention Melbourne Friends;

Soon Rossy & I are going on a few days holiday (thanks to a Rossy's company bonus:D) down there & other than a few typical things to see & do.....I know nothing!
So PLEASE if you have any ideas of stuff to do or places to go, let me know!
I refuse to sit around bored for nearly a week!
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