(no subject)

Sep 23, 2004 19:32

"....Look kid, if I wanted to blow smoke up my ass I'd be at home with a pack of cigarettes & a length of hose....."

Haha...tonight is going to be sooo much fun. We're meeting Erik & Maggie for Mags farewell drinks, then it's off to Batcave. Much fun shall be had...many, many drinks too ; P Hmmm. any ideas on what drinks I should get...I feel like a change, all I've had lately is rum, rum & more rum...not that I'm complaining though ; P See ya there Oli.

Rossy bought me this gorgeous antique lamp that I saw in Newtown : )....he's sooooo sweet! I'd been checking it out for ages but it cost $350, so I figured I should only dream about such a purchase for myself. Anyway, on Saturday afternoon he snuck it into the loungeroom while I was crashed out & turned it on...it was such a beautiful present to wake up to! I'll post a pic soon.

Speaking of pix...I took these two photos the other day when I spent close to 36hrs studying for an exam...Oh spanks to Erik who tried to stay awake with me ; P

isn't this red sky trippy...looks kinda like it's on fire, don't ya think?

I love this blue...so calming...

Estelle mind if I post that pic of your big blue ring (hehehe...that could be read two ways...Mwahahahahahaha..I crack myself up!)

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