"We do it with the lights on!"

Jul 30, 2006 19:40

What a great past few days. Seriously, I feel so good right now. I've spent a lot of time in cars and such, but I've been in good company... and just happy.

I move back to school in less than a month, for which I am ecstatic! xD Aside from not being around Edward (eamr3), it'll be great. Saw Dave yesterday, and he reassured me that I'll have a job waiting in the fall. Yay! And seeing Cytha, Tara, Brittany, Hannah, and everyone else--I can't wait! I miss them so much!

Today... I'm happy to have a chill day. I didn't shower (still clean enough from yesterday and no one to impress, so fuck it) and I've worn a T-shirt all day. It feels so nice. People wonder why some (including myself) prefer to shop at places such as Banana Republic (my favorite store) for anything, but especially for casual stuff. "Why not by it cheap somewhere else?" I got this shirt that I'm wearing, an blue, ubersoft T for six dollars at a BR outlet. It is, I kid you not, the most comfy shirt I own. Yay! *huggles herself* What else happened today? I went to the cake-stuff-store with my mom, and she's now making a cake for everyone. 'T was very exciting. Our friend Susan went on a mall walk with us (as opposed to a trail outdoors, where it's freakishly hot and uncomfortable). At the mall, we hit Old Navy to get my cousin Katherine's birthday present (dress and hoodie, can't go wrong with that). She needs it by Wednesday; haha. I got a shirt ("Love St. Coffee Shop") and a messanger bag (that will fit text books!) for myself. :) My brother's making dinner. And, now I'm blogging.

I slept until 1215, when Ed called me. He said he woke up very upset at me 'cause he had a dream wherein I aboned him (or some other such equally absurd thing). I don't remember the rest of the conversation 'cause I was pretty tired. I'm tired again, though I probably got a cummulative twelve hours of sleep. o.o;; I think too much sleep makes one tired. However that works....

Yesterday, Ed, my mom, and I drove to Stauton for the day... or a few hours of it. :P We hit CotC--YAY! xD Saw my campus.... not that interesting, but, Hell yeah, it's pretty, so bugger everyone else who thinks they have an ubergorgeous campus 'cause ours is wicked pretty! At two, we saw Macbeth at Blackfriers. I was impressed; it was well executed and performed. I wish I could have seen more character developement in the title character or have felt his thought processes more clearly; it seemed as though a few times his motivations were unclear or made no sense. But, otherwise, everything was brilliant. I hope Edward liked it, or at least appreciated. Shakespeare, especially his tragedies, is an acquired taste, and I'm used to dating theatre people who have already acquired that taste, so I hope he doesn't feel too tormented. :P It was a brilliant show, though, and I'm so glad I finally saw it live. When I move back, I'll have to see Othello. And the rest, but Othello most importantly, for I've read that, but never seen the whole show live, only scenes.

On the way back from Staunton, we stopped at Tyson's Corner and went to Maggiano's for dinner, which was excellent! It's the first time in a while that I've truly enjoyed eating. (I've conditioned myself not to enjoy eating, which has had quite a few reprocutions, such as feeling slightly ill after every meal. And, yes, it's definitely a mental thing.) Well, dinner was wonderful. From there, we rented a couple MST3K's, and we watched Manos: the Hands of Fate when we got back here. I admittedly fell asleep, maybe half-way through; I was exhausted yesterday. Ed fell asleep, too. I felt badly because I wouldn't let him nap before he left, but I figured I, too, would fall asleep and did not want my dad walking in on that. So, he left, and fortunately made it home. I went to sleep, and it was wonderful. We'll have to watch the other movie soon.

I should go be social now, but I felt like updating. 'Cause I can.

Oh, Ed got me into this game, Ragnarok. I think my software's being fucky, though, or perhaps their server it still not quite where it needs to be, but I can't really log on. :( Oh well. Someone join me. Or at least fix it for me. :P


-Lucia Anna-

ed, perform

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