Weekend of fun and friends

Mar 03, 2008 21:34

Well I had a great weekend. Where to begin?

Let's see, Friday night Miss M and I went to a play with some of her friends. The play was "One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nests" production by The Theatre, Inc. put on at the Ark Theater downtown San Diego. The actors did great! I haven't been to a play in years and thoroughly enjoyed it. After the play we went to see Dannicus Live at the San Diego Sports Bar on University Ave in Hillcrest. The band was great as usual with lots of friends and drinking games. Very entertaining. I got to bed around 3am. It was a great night.

Saturday began with whip practice. I really enjoyed watching Miss M and D practice with whips. There is something fascinating to me about whips and how they move. The control required to operate one without hurting yourself is very intriguing.

Saturday evening began with D and Miss M picking me up for a party. The lovely Domina Angelina, and gorgeous Goddess Soma along with the entire staff of Dungeon Servitus put on a great party! Thanks to them for throwing a great party. Several people spent the evening being bound to the wall of the Domina Angelina’s dungeon and being flogged. I have to say it was very hot. I would enjoy being tied up and flogged, but not to the point of drawing blood. The public aspect of it is hot but I’m not sure I could do it there.

Miss M looked stunning in a corset, jeans, long leather jacket and lovely open toed shoes. D looked amazing a latex jumpsuit. He definitely has the body to pull it off. I really enjoyed being there with Miss M and D. They are both hot! It was a pleasure to be there with them and to be helpful to them while they played with H. Watching them play with H was very hot. They had her quivering from the start. I’d say H really enjoyed herself and so did I.  :o) The details of the D and Miss M with H can be read in D’s blog.

We ended the evening with breakfast at Brian’s in Hillcrest with H and her friend L. The conversation was fabulous. The company wonderful. The breakfast filling. Having friends you can share certain aspects of your life with is great. Having friends you can share deeper aspects of your life with should be cherished. I do.

flogging, bdsm, bondage, femdom

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