Just wanted to give a wave and let people know I'm still around. I still read my friend's page daily but somehow got out of the habit of replying or posting. It seemed to take an absolutely enormous amount of effort just to reply to someone's post but I do care! I've ended up in a weird sort of place where I feel like I really know you guys and you are my friends but I'm existing as a ghost so you don't really know me at all and probably would only consider me an acquaintance.
As most of you know I have chronic pain and fatigue (fibromyalgia, arthritis, insomnia and cfs) and even before all that I was prone to anxiety. So I've been in a cycle of bad-place, better-place for the last 8 years. I think I might be finally hitting a "good" place now rather than just a "better" one. Of course I've felt that way every time I've come out of my depression! Bah! It's hard to tell from the inside.
Let me see if I can give the quick update.
Hubby and I moved to FL in late August last year for his job and I am now closer to family. I've been reading fanfic again and I want to become involved in fandom again/more. I'm so excited to see that the SSHG fandom is still going strong! I've also started germinating the seeds of some o-fic. I'm crocheting again--soon I shall have some lovelies to post. I've got a part time job tutoring kids in English (grammar, composition, vocabulary, etc) from PK (3.5!) to 7th grade. For Christmas this past year my husband and my mother-in-law got together to buy me a wonder camera, a Canon Rebel T3i. It's truly amazing! Unfortunately I now have several thousand pictures and can't motivate myself to sort through them! In the future I would love to add horses back into my life somehow and any sort of social life would be good! I have to work on that 'friends' thing.
Right so I'll leave you with a gen HP drabble that just sort of spilled out. 115 words not counting the rather long title *thbbt* :-P
A Pause During The Battle of Hogwarts
They’re both leaning on the same half destroyed soot covered wall both trying to act casual as if the wall isn’t more than half holding them up.
“So,” he says. “What House were you in?”
“Hufflepuff,” she says and waits for the surprised laugh or the look of pure incomprehension because Everyone Knows that Hufflepuffs can’t-, that they aren’t-and before her thoughts can continue down that well-worn path he’s replied.
“Loyalty,” he says and nods like it makes sense, as if he’d expected it.
And she’s looking at him dumfounded and too tired to hide it and says, “So what about you then?”
He looks away and stares into some middle-distance, “Slytherin.”