Cautiously Optomistic

May 05, 2012 00:44

Thank you all for your words of encouragement.  Have gone and had my tonsils out earlier today (12 noon on May 4th) and doing okay.

I had a nasty reaction on waking up from the anethesia where I was in horrible pain but since I had mostly anticipated that and warned everyone I was able to get some decent drugs.  Whenever I have surgery and occasionally due to other things (three times due to bouts of tonsillitus!) my nerves get hyper-sensitive and almost nothing calms them down but HEAVY narcotics.  Once I get that single dose of drugs though my nerves are pacified and I don't need the heavy drugs again.  It's weird.  They kept giving me fentanyl but that did nothing and when the doctor came back I heard the nurse tell him I was "sucking up narcotics" and still in horrible pain.  So he authorized a dose of dilaudid and that did the trick.

After that they were able to move me from post-op into the general recovery ward where I stayed for a few hours.  I was quite hungry actually and had a pudding cup as well as some sherbert.  I was giving vicodin and a script of it to bring home.  I am being very careful to  wake up every few hours now and hydrate as I guess it is VERY important my throat stay moist.  I had one small amount of bleeding at 5:30pm or so but was able to stop it with ice water.  Bleeding is the big danger to watch out for apparently but so far so good!  


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