(no subject)

Feb 09, 2007 10:37

So my new laptop has been confiscated by my husband.  I had it for two days, maybe, before the power cord on his Dell laptop conveniently stopped working.  So while we waited for the cord to come in, he had to have a laptop, right?  Currently, my laptop is at a conference in Alberta.

I like the BBC news because it, in general, is not as sleazy and tabloidy as CNN and other American news sources.  While Anna Nicole Smith's death is the major news story on CNN, it is placed in a less prominent place on the BBC webpage.  Still, when you go to the list of most read articles, guess which is first with BBC readers, as well as CNN readers?  Heehee.  And, yes, I read the article too.  So I'm sleazy and tabloidy as well.
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