It's a sad in a fandom when you go spoiler hunting, and the brunt of the excitement sounds like this:
Ooooh, she's not wearing a wedding band! Maybe she dumped that guy Robert's sorry ass.
No, actually, she's wearing gloves, and also, I'd prefer it if she came back married (not necessarily to Robert, but still). It's called PROGRESS, people. I think one of the main reasons SM left the first time around was because she'd done everything with the character she could. I would think love and marriage would actually be a good condition in order to revive the character a little.
She's not like Olivia, in that she prefers to martyr herself forever and ever. I'd want her to come back married in order to see some heads explode at TwoP. Because I'm evil like that.
Right, and
shadow_diva will not forgive me for this, but despite all the hatred for them, Jim and Robert were (as she'd put it) good men. Even if she married one or neither of them.
And while I'm ranting about everything and nothing
Sarah Shahi, formerly of The L Word and now starring in Life, is expecting a baby with her fiance Steve Howie.
Good grief.