So me coworker asks me a math question that arr 70% o' all college graduates fail.
If a cubic feet o' x material weighs 100 lbs, how much does a cubic yard o' x material weigh?
First I be like "how many feet be in a yard again?" (on accoun' o' seriously, learn t' use metric swabbies.)
He`s like "3."
I be like "o yea ye take that weight an' ye multiply 't by 3 cubunk, which be 9"
If ye aren`t laughin' at me starboard now ye ought, on accoun' o' 3 cubunk be clearly nay 9. So I got th' general gist o' th' answer starboard, but I totally screwed up on th' easy math part on accoun' o' I arr suck at math.
Speakin' o' math, I ran into Yon from UMTYMP (U o' M talented youth math program 'ere we tookst college level math courses in high school) at th' mall o' america 2 weekends ago. He told me he has a masters in physics now, an' th' poor guy be takin' surveys about movies abroadside th' theatre. That jus' goes t' show ye, learnin' math will get ye nowhere in life! (physics too, on accoun' o' 't also sucks.)
So my coworker asks me a math question that apparently 70% of all college graduates fail.
If a cubic feet of x material weighs 100 lbs, how much does a cubic yard of x material weigh?
First I was like "how many feet are in a yard again?" (because seriously, learn to use metric people.)
He's like "3."
I'm like "o yea you take that weight and you multiply it by 3 cubed, which is 9"
If you aren't laughing at me right now you should, because 3 cubed is clearly not 9. So I got the general gist of the answer right, but I totally screwed up on the easy math part because I apparently suck at math.
Speaking of math, I ran into Yon from UMTYMP (U of M talented youth math program where we took college level math courses in high school) at the mall of america 2 weekends ago. He told me he has a masters in physics now, and the poor guy was taking surveys about movies outside the theatre. That just goes to show you, learning math will get you nowhere in life! (physics too, because it also sucks.)