Well, actually I am still waiting for the Great Pumpkin, but I have a lot to do until this evening... Uhm...I dyed my hair. It's supposed to be copper, but I guess my hair was too dark to begin with so it's just red. There's still some Halloween decoration to be put up, Halloween pumpkins need to be created. Fake blood needs to be mixed. My mother told me she planned to make Halloween cake...Actually, it's Harry Potter cake (yes, there is such a thing...it's kind of scary), but their microwave died, so...
For the Queer As Folk fans...
wren_kt7oz posted new Halloween fic! And some oldies but goldies are
here at
getithere (
"A Haunting Affair" is my favorite) and
here by
And now....
May the Great Pumpkin bring you lots of gifts, happy haunting and I hope you have a very scary Halloween !! ^v^
P.S.:In case I have started to get on your nerves, don't worry, I think this was about the last Halloween post this year.;)