Help needed!

Aug 04, 2010 18:53

Друзья, помогите мне выиграть приз зрительских симпатий!
Нажмите на линк, и проголосуйте за мою картинку!
(один голос на один мэйл)



I've uploaded a photo to a competition, and I try to win the peoples choice vote.
Please vote for me!!!!

It receives vote per mail! So if you have a few emails, you can vote a few times, once you change the browser or clean the cookies.

Please help me with this one! It ends tomorrow, so vote today!!

NOTICE: After you push on the link in the mail, you will be redirected to the competition site. There you have to push on "here" link, and then push the vote button again. It will write you "Thank you for voting", once you voted.

Thank you my friends!!!!

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