Последний шанс узнать последнее слово об основаниях квантовой механики

Feb 24, 2021 21:04

До завтра можно бесплатно сказать новую книгу Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, которая вышла в серии Elements in the Philosophy of Physics в 2021 году. Правда, должен сказать, что это не философия квантовой механики. Как оказалось, книга написана физиком и на хорошем уровне, я бы сказал на слишком хорошем. С точки зрения позитива - книга короткая ( Read more... )

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greygreengo February 25 2021, 21:32:15 UTC
Abstract: Quantum mechanics is an extraordinarily successful scientific
theory. But more than 100 years after it was first introduced, the
interpretation of the theory remains controversial. This Element introduces
some of the most puzzling questions at the foundations of quantum
mechanics and provides an up-to-date and forward-looking survey of the
most prominent ways in which physicists and philosophers of physics have
attempted to resolve them. The topics covered include non-locality,
contextuality, the reality of the wavefunction, and measurement problem.
The discussion is supplemented with descriptions of some of the most
important mathematical results from recent work in quantum foundations,
including Bell’s theorem, the Kochen-Specker theorem, and the PBR

What, if anything, does a successful predictive algorithm tell us about the way
the world is? What ontology does the theory suggest? How does the theory
relate to other successful physical theories? How does it relate to our own experiences?
What does the theory tell us about familiar concepts like space, time,
and matter?

Вы, конечно, извините, но если студенту обосновывать квантовую механику ТАКИМ ОБРАЗОМ, ему кроме теологии и податься-то будет некуда.


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