My first blog

Mar 30, 2004 22:15

Yippie, First bloggy.... Got lotsa things to type, say, whine, bitch, howl..

---------- School (Dreadful topic..) ----------

Got lotsa projects recently! OMG...

Gotta hand up:
NSM project - 6th April..
Internet Programming - 12th April..
DS - (God knows when...) 
DCF - Coming up soon...
IC Pro - Hmmm.. I wonder...

Thinking about the dateline sends shivers down my spine.. *BrrrrrRr*

Hate them, Ditch this topic..

---------- MU Online ----------

LOL... Surprised? Evey plays games like Diablo... Started playing it cuz I realised that Mr Low is addicted to it. Ok.. Not really, just that the only way Im able to chat with him is through MU only. So I started playing. I'm his sales person too.. haha! I trade things for exorbitant prices yet newbies, like me, do buy them..

Lucky for me, I've got Mr Low to guide me. I'm realllllyyy lucky in this game too.. Pple give me expensive items, money, help me level up.. Cause..... I'm KIND! I give free stuffs to lvl 1 elves.. Give them money, Party with them... KARMA! >.<~

---------- Netball ----------

I'm finally getting to play netball again!! Yay!

Going to KCP tmr to play a friendly match against the school team.. Hmm.. It's just a friendly match so I don't care whether we're gonna win or lose, I just want to pppppllllllaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy.....

Ok.. I'm blogging alredy ok.. So Iris, don't call me lazy pig. Haha.. Add pics tmr yah.. >P
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