Update! woot woot!

Sep 14, 2009 01:25

Alright so another update.. Things are good.
I've been at home, taking care of the "kids" and attempting to get the house clean again after being at a job 40+ hours a week.
It's really good to be a "Housewife" again. Though having no money is kind of a downer, Matty still makes me feel like I am a really important contributing member of the household. :P
We are up to 6 ferrety kids now. Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, Shiek, Navi and Deku Scrub...no more. we are stopping there.
We are planning on getting a dog within the next few years, maybe after we move to a bigger apartment.
There is a mouse in the house that we are trying to catch, not kill. (i got a little cage and everything)

Matt and I are fantastic, I love him more and more each day. Though money is tight and I kind of stress about it, Matty is cool as a cucumber about it. He tells me everything is going to be okay and ways for us to fix it. (i.e turning off things when not using them etc.)

In other news My bridge piercing is healed and looks great! I'm pretty happy that it looks nice on me and it didn't even migrate or reject.

So, Wednesday I get all 4 of my wisdom teeth and 2 molars taken out. I am extremely nervous due to the fact that I have Lung Disease and could have severe complications from the anesthesia. They might also have to break my jaw..so yeah... not too happy about that.
But I will be happy not to be in the pain I am in now.

Here's hoping that all goes well with the surgery and whatnot... *crosses fingers*

I will most likely update again when i am not all hopped up on Percocet like I am now.

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