Title: Three Melodies: Fukai
evespikeyChapters: 2/2
Ratings: PG-13
Genre: angst, romance
Bands: Dir en grey
Pairings: DieXShinya
Summary: A sequel to ‘Fukai’, written for the
Triangle Challenge. Part one
here. In part two Die finds a note from Shinya, and writes a reply. Comments are love.
At the bottom of the page, in the smallest hand, there was something written there. It had been crossed out, and inked over, but when Die lifted the page to his face he could still make out the words:
To Die, Love, Shinya.
Shinya barely ever composed. Die hadn’t even known whether he could. But to compose something this good, and to give Die such a prominent part…Die didn’t know what it meant, but he knew that it must have meant an awful lot to Shinya. If Shinya had known exactly how much it would mean to Die, Die wondered whether he would have written it at all. Shinya definitely wasn’t the type to give false hope where it wasn’t warranted. Looking down at Shinya’s note, Die wondered exactly how much of his hope was, in fact, false…
Die pulled a pen from his pocket and wrote underneath:
Thank you, Shinya. Love, Die.
Die thought: Just in case. Just in case he had reason to hope. Just in case Shinya understood. He stood and began to re-arrange the composition back on the stand in its correct order.
Unbeknownst to Die, Shinya was coming down the corridor. He had decided to take a break from his composition to go and get some tea. The composition was finished, but there was something about it that was still on his mind. He hadn’t wanted to leave the studio yet. He felt wary about leaving the composition for just anyone to see, so he had carefully inked through what he had written on the back of it. What had he been thinking when he wrote it? Shinya became embarrassed and angry just at the thought of Die potentially seeing it. It was so obvious. It was obvious even without the note he’d written on the back. The whole damn composition might as well be a declaration of love. He might as well have said: "hey Die, I’m-"
But Shinya’s imaginary confession was cut short when he reached the studio door. Through the frosted glass he saw Die bending over his composition. Oh god.
The door to the studio burst open and Die jumped, dropping papers everywhere. He stood, holding tightly to a single sheet which had not managed to leap from his hand, and found himself looking into the eyes of the very person who had written it. Shinya’s eyes were wide.
“What are you doing?”
His tone sounded accusatory. Die replied with some incoherent vowel sounds, not meeting Shinya’s eyes and fidgeting, trying to draw attention away from himself.
Shinya ran to pick up the pieces of his composition, searching for one page in particular. If he could just find it before Die did…
Die dropped to his knees and began to help Shinya. He gathered the rest of the papers Shinya hadn’t managed to pick up yet, and handed them to Shinya.
“I’m sorry.”
Shinya snatched back his composition and was about to brush Die off with his usual impatience when he noticed the sheet that lay on the top. His eyes went round as they were drawn to the letters scrawled there in Die’s handwriting: Thank you, Shinya. Shinya’s thin frame suddenly became very still and he slowly raised his eyes to look at Die.
Die was standing there with his hands deep down in his pockets, shoulders hunched, looking back at him tentatively. Shinya stammered, holding out his composition:
“Uh...so...you liked it, then?”
“Yeah” said Die, attempting to exude a mix of cautious enthusiasm, taking his hands out of his pockets and moving forward towards Shinya. “It was really…good.” Die didn’t know whether he was talking about the song or his feelings towards Shinya. Shinya said nothing, and Die waited a moment for him to reply.
They both burst out at the same time. Shinya stopped speaking immediately and apologized, and Die knew the other man was waiting for him to speak. Here goes false hope, he thought. He stepped forward and put his hand over Shinyas, who was still clutching his composition.
“It meant a lot to me, Shinya.” He swallowed. “Listen, do you want to-“
“-Yes.” Shinya interrupted him. Shinya never interrupted anyone.
“Yes?” said Die incredulously.
“Yes.” said Shinya, giving him a small smile. “I know what you’re going to say. Yes.”
Die beamed. He beamed every time Shinya smiled, because it was like the sun coming out from behind a cloud. Every time Shinya smiled Die knew he must be doing something right, as long as Shinya was happy. But this time Die was smiling not for Shinya, and not for himself, but for both of them together. Die hoped he would be able to keep smiling for a very long time.
* * *
Fukai was nearing its end, and Shinya tapped two beats to slow the song down. He waited at the last moment for Die, who jumped in the air and they hit the note together. They had come a long way since the day Shinya wrote the song that brought them together.