Sep 18, 2006 01:23
These last few weeks have been just a little bit insane, to tell you the truth.
Let's start with the positive - there's always good news :) The weather is finally starting to change, and I feel that old familiar itch as the days grow longer, and the breezes grow cooler. Fall just twists my heart up - I love it. There's something in the air from mid-September to late November that you just don't feel any other time of the year. I can't explain it, but I feel it in my bones. :)
School is still going great. I figured out what I wanted to write my psychology research paper about - autism - and I've started on that. Turned in my evaluation essay for English, and we'll have peer reviews on that this Wednesday. Then I have a test in computers on Thursday and that finishes up the school week.
I ran into an old friend of mine in my computer class, which was awesome. Solise and I met about six or seven years ago, through our mutual friend Knicc. I hadn't seen him in forever, so when I walked in and saw him in class I almost fell over, lol. He got engaged right before school started to a wonderful girl named Rhianwen (Rhian for short), and they came over last week and played catch up with Adam and I. It was funny - Solise got to meet Adam for the first time, and I got to meet Rhian for the first time. They're an adorable couple, and it does my heart good to renew yet another old friendship.
Unfortunately, I've got bad news this time as well. This entire last week has been one huge lump of badness, actually. Gran was in the hospital a couple of weeks ago for a staph infection, and she also had to have a 2 unit blood transfusion. She's been staying with my aunt since then, and they just had to take her back to the hospital this last Tuesday. She was feeling really weak, and in the ER her blood pressure was only 80/21. She also had to have 2 more units of blood transfused. So her regular doctor did an abdomen x-ray and a few other things, and couldn't find anything conclusive. She referred Gran to an internal medicine doctor, who recommended more tests. She had an upper GI which didn't show anything, and she's got to schedule an appointment for another test tomorrow. The doctor told us that he doesn't want to do too many invasive procedures, because all of her other health conditions put her in a very fragile state - he's not sure she'd make it through a test that required anaesthesia, for example. We have to find out where she's losing that blood, though, so we're kind of in between a rock and a hard place. The next test she's scheduled for is actually pretty neat - she just has to take a pill. The pill has a camera in it, and will 'record' her GI tract. This test is our last hope before we have to start talking about the tests that require anaesthesia, so I hope to God it shows something. I'm terrified at what the test results might be, but I would rather know. We're just having to play the waiting game right now and I hate it. I love Gran with all of my heart, and I want her to be well.
While all of that was going on, my cousin Jamie started going into labor. She's due on Oct. 6, and she's been having false contractions for the last couple of weeks. So the second day Gran was in the hospital, Jamie was, too. Gran on the third floor and Jamie on the seventh. I spent a large portion of last Wednesday riding the elevators at the hospital and going to class, lol. Jamie's doctors have said that the next time she goes into 'labor', they won't stop it - so hopefully she'll be able to have the baby soon. It's a little girl, and they're going to name her Jayden Rae :)
I'm just really worried about Gran. I've felt awful this last week - like something is just hanging over me - and I can't shake it. I've never felt like this before, and that scares me too. Maybe I'll feel better when her test results are in. Either way, the results won't be 'good' - having to get 4 units of blood in as many weeks is never a good sign - but at least we'll know what kind of beast we're fighting.
Fingers crossed that this next week will be a little calmer.