
Jan 18, 2006 16:20

I have a word of advice for you, dear readers.
If your dentist suggests that you need a root canal, research every other possible avenue of treatment! If it's a back tooth, get that sucker pulled. If it's a front tooth, like mine, well... just ask for lots of numby shots and be prepared.
I just got back from the dentist. I took the first numby shot like a champ, and was still in the frame of mind that the root canal couldn't be much worse than the pain the tooth was causing me anyway. Then came the drill... and I almost slugged my poor dentist in the face. Think of the most sensitive your tooth has ever been - like from chewing on ice cubes or something - and multiply that by 2 or 3. It was awful. So I got another numby shot. And then another. After that, I couldn't feel anything but pressure.. but getting to that point was something I don't want to go through ever again, lol.
I can't say anything bad about my dentist, though. He did everything he possibly could to make sure I didn't feel anything. We just ran into problems because I had some nerve tissue that was still alive. Once we got that numbed up, I was good to go.
I'm just scared of how it's going to feel once the shots wear off - which my dentist joked will probably be tomorrow. I swear, right now I'm numb up to my lower eyelid, hehe.
But I'm through the experience - and hopefully, I won't ever have to have another one.
In other, happier news...
Yesterday was my birthday, and I had a great one :) I got off work at 7 yesterday morning, and had class until 10. Came home, went to sleep, and woke up around 5 to SNOW! I didn't even know it was supposed to snow yesterday, so it was a great surprise. I got some really funny birthday cards, and my parents and brother gave me a beautiful garnet ring. I've always wanted a birthstone ring - and now I've got one :) *happy dance*
I spoke with the dean of students about switching my algebra classes out - technically the last day to switch classes was the 11th, but the class I needed was still full then - and he approved it. So tomorrow morning I've got to go get the drop/add slip from the admissions office, get it signed by my current instructor and my new instructors, and take it back to the dean. I'll be in my new algebra class Monday morning. :)
Well, I'm off to grab something to eat. I see lots of bowls of tomato soup in my near future, lol.
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