Do you have an original project you want to develop in the company of other unrepentant dorks? Great! Fill out the application below and post it right here in this thread (don't worry, your comment will be screened). So long as the community is currently below its member cap of 20 (just check the comm profile!), we will review your application immediately. Please allow up to a week for our
review panel to reach a decision. You will be privately messaged once it has. Make sure that your privacy options are not enabled before you send your application so that we can get back to you!
What do you want us to call you?
Do you know any current members? It's cool if you don't.
Please tell us about your project. A summary of the plot to whatever extent you've worked it out, a little about your setting, a few descriptions of your characters, that kind of thing.
What do you still need to work on?
What are you hoping to get out of this community?
Have you read the
community guidelines? Be honest.
Are you comfortable with starting memes or discussions, leaving critiques, familiarizing yourself with the projects of other members, and generally engaging with and being active within the community?
Where else can we find you? (Twitter, etc. Most EveryWrites members are on Twitter, and a fair amount of EveryWrites planning and discussion takes place there, so a Twitter account is generally recommended.)
A final note for our applicants: please don't be too formal in your application! We aren't just looking for a great project, after all; we're also looking for great community members. We would love to get a sense of your personality, so that we can judge whether or not you would make a good fit for the comm.
That said, a certain level of project development is expected. Most of our members are into sleeves-rolled-up worldbuilding and in-depth plot development, and have started posting drabbles and short bits of fic. We are looking for applicants with a similar level of development. It's fine if you're going to need to play catch-up in one or two areas, but we are looking for new members who will be able to participate in all aspects of the community in a short amount of time. If you don't think that's you (ex: you have a pile of cool ideas, and a hazy idea for two or three characters who may or may not have names yet, but nothing else), you will have better luck developing your project on your own, for a while, before you apply.
Best of luck!